Monday, October 1, 2018


Well, came across these gems! This was taken at Aunt Judy's house on Elliot Street in Braintree MA (the house previously belonged to Theresa (Levangie) and Al  Boettcher. this makes me smile
here is

Mary's son, John,
Mary's grandson, Leo
 and Ted's daughter, Melissa

Thursday, August 30, 2018

our Catholic roots

Leo, Jenna, Dan, Matt, Mike, Cathrine, Johnny, Michael,

*great aunt Judy was a Sister of St Joseph Catholic nun @  Rutland, VT, then Framingham, MA

*great aunt Audrey was a Sister of Charities Catholic nun @ Convent Station, NJ

*great uncle Bernie was a brother in the Sons of Mary seminary @ Framingham, MA

All 3 were Grammy's beloved siblings.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

my mom's cousins 1960's (Sandi)

Sandi holding Joanne, Linda D holding Lisa, Sharon, Debbie, Denise and Tricia
bottom:Leo, Denise 2nd row Bobby, Sandi, Eric and Teddy,3rd row Kurt, Mark top:Aunt  Audrey holding ? and Linda holding ?